POPI Training & Awareness
Probably the most important aspect of your POPI implementation, is the Awareness and Training of your entire organisation. It is essential that POPI (or rather Privacy) becomes a state of mind for every individual. There are various ways of achieving this, and one needs to look at each organisation and it’s circumstances to ensure the training is sufficient, effective and effecient. The services we offer are:
We jam-pack these Executive sessions with a quick, high-level overview of POPI, we unpack the impact it has on your organisation, and the roles & responsibilities of the Information Officer.
Duration: Between one and two hours, depending on the level of the organisation. We recommend the executive team completes the self-assessment prior to the awareness session to ensure alignment.
Outcome: An Executive team who is able to make informed decisions on the way forward for POPI compliance.
Cost: Within the Johannesburg area, we do not charge for the Executive Awareness sessions. Outside Johannesburg, we will negotiate travel costs.
This is intended for your senior and middle management team and takes them through the Act, the interpretation of the Act and a facilitated discussion around the impact of the Act on your organisation.
Duration: Around half a day, depending on the level of the organisation. We recommend the executive team awareness session has been held to ensure alignment between executive and middle management.
Outcome: A management team who is clear on the impact POPI will have on your organisation, and they are able to start assigning role-players, ownership and identify a project team.
Cost: We charge a fixed fee regardless of the number of attendees (maximum 12). Please contact us for a formal quote.
3. Full Day Implementation Preparation session
We spend the full day with your execution team to work through the specific activities needed to implement POPI in your organization. This is usually attended by the Privacy Officer, Operations and IT management, Project and Programme managers, and the POPI dedicated analysts.
Duration: Up to two full days, depending on the level of the organisation. We recommend that both the executive team awareness session, as well as the management briefing has been held to ensure alignment between management and the execution team.
Outcome: An implementation team who has a high-level plan, activities and assigned responsibilities for the implementation of POPI compliance. As an additional service, our facilitator can prepare a detailed document after the workshop, giving the team a clear plan for implementation.
Cost: We charge a fixed fee regardless of the number of attendees (maximum 12). Please contact us for a formal quote.
4. Change and awareness programmes
This is a perfectly timed, well executed awareness campaign to change staff behavior in the organisation. This programme covers awareness training to all staff, a communication plan, specific technical training to nominated people, and coaching and mentoring of in-house training/internal marketing departments.
Duration: The duration of this Change programme is dependent on the implementation plan, and the readiness of the organisation.
Outcome: The purpose of this intervention is to ensure that all staff adopt a Privacy mindset, and that the organisation develops a Privacy-by-Design approach to all projects and initiatives.
Cost: Costing varies greatly, depending on your requirement. We strongly suggest that we prepare a quote for you after the project planning session has been held.